Internship report
Time flies when you are having fun. My internship in Finland, where I had always wanted to visit, will be over soon. In an educational environment that is very different from Japan, I have thought about various things such as the educational purpose, the role and...
Oskar’s experience in Finland
Hello! My name is Oskar Franz, I am 16 years old and I got to spend round about 4 months at the “Klassikka” Highschool as an exchange student from Germany. Having spent a lot of time in Finland and being a half Finn, this isn’t a foreign country to me, but it was...
Tyla’s year in Kuopio
Hi, I am Tyla, and I am on a one-year exchange in Kuopio. This year, I have had a blast! I got here in early August and will leave this July. I have made many friends and have tried many new foods (mostly candies). It has been really nice coming to school and seeing...
Kuopion Klassillinen Lukio Visit: Four Invaluable Weeks
I spent four weeks in Kuopio from late October to November, 2021. The time I spent there might have been a bit shorter compared to previous visitor-teachers from Japan or other overseas countries, but I could never overemphasise the value and meaning the programme has...