Two months in Finland

Agata, Dominika, Tomek

Hi Everyone,

We wan­ted to thank all of you for wel­co­ming us to your school and being kind and al­ways very help­ful. We lo­ved it here!

When we came we were imp­res­sed by your school. It’s dif­fe­rent than ours. The first big dif­fe­ren­ce is lap­tops. In Po­land we do not use lap­tops at all even for lots of school pro­jects, we have to do them on pa­per. We li­ked the clas­ses and we were ama­zed that all the te­ac­hers were spe­a­king Eng­lish so well, in Po­land that is rat­her rare. Also, Klas­si­ka has a very mo­dern in­te­ri­or and a lot of com­mon spa­ces to sit, whi­le in our school we do not have any. We li­ked the fact that eve­ry stu­dent gets free lunch. We li­ked them a lot (may­be ex­cept for soup day ;)).

We love that the­re is so much na­tu­re around and the air is fresh com­pa­red to the po­lish one that is full of smog.

When we vi­si­ted Hel­sin­ki we were imp­res­sed with Oodi, it’s so ama­zing. We had a gre­at time with our hosts and we want to thank them for or­ga­ni­zing this trip so per­fect­ly.
We feel like in Fin­land pe­op­le jud­ge way less for the way you dress and for your life choi­ces. It’s a count­ry whe­re you can tru­ly be your­self.

Thank you all once again for the­se ama­zing 9 weeks, they were tru­ly un­for­get­tab­le! Un­for­tu­na­te­ly on Sun­day, we are co­ming back home but we hope the­re is a chan­ce we will see again and that is why we tell you na­ke­miin!

Po­lish exc­han­ge stu­dents
Aga­ta, Do­mi­ni­ka & To­mek

Non So­lum syk­sy 2019Syk­sy­tun­nel­mia Klas­si­kal­ta29.10.2019