Our Experience in Finland

Mar, Juan, Sara


We are Mar, Sara and Juan, we are from Spain and we have been stu­dying here for
two months.

Our ex­pe­rien­ce in Fin­land had been re­al­ly awe­so­me be­cau­se we have le­ar­ned many dif­fe­rent things bet­ween Spa­nish cul­tu­re and Fin­nish cul­tu­re which are to­tal­ly dif­fe­rent.

One thing that we love is Sau­na, be­cau­se we have done one ex­pe­rien­ce that con­sist in going to the lake and af­ter that, back to the Sau­na. We have to con­fess, that this fee­ling bet­ween cold wa­ter and then going to a warm pla­ce is re­al­ly ama­zing.

We love sau­na!

Ot­her thing that we have en­joy­ed a lot is the na­tu­re, we have seen many dif­fe­rent bet­ween the­se two months be­cau­se at the be­gin­ning we saw all the fo­rests green, but af­ter that yel­low, red, oran­ge and mo­re­o­ver last Sa­tur­day we saw snow!

That was re­al­ly ex­ci­ted for us, be­cau­se in our city we are not used to see snow.

Ho­we­ver, we don’t for­get the huge la­kes that you have be­cau­se they are re­al­ly be­au­ti­ful when you see the fo­rest and the lake, the­se are awe­so­me views. May­be for Fin­nish pe­op­le that is
nor­mal, but for us it is to­tal­ly dif­fe­rent be­cau­se the only wa­ter that we have seen are the la­kes, seas and oce­ans.

Thanks to this ex­pe­rien­ce we have le­ar­ned many things about life, Eng­lish and we have grown our­sel­ves. We hope that we will re­turn one day to Kuo­pio.

Non So­lum syk­sy 2019Syk­sy­tun­nel­mia Klas­si­kal­ta29.10.2019