Our Experience in Finland
Mar, Juan, Sara
We are Mar, Sara and Juan, we are from Spain and we have been studying here for
two months.
Our experience in Finland had been really awesome because we have learned many different things between Spanish culture and Finnish culture which are totally different.
One thing that we love is Sauna, because we have done one experience that consist in going to the lake and after that, back to the Sauna. We have to confess, that this feeling between cold water and then going to a warm place is really amazing.
We love sauna!
Other thing that we have enjoyed a lot is the nature, we have seen many different between these two months because at the beginning we saw all the forests green, but after that yellow, red, orange and moreover last Saturday we saw snow!
That was really excited for us, because in our city we are not used to see snow.
However, we don’t forget the huge lakes that you have because they are really beautiful when you see the forest and the lake, these are awesome views. Maybe for Finnish people that is
normal, but for us it is totally different because the only water that we have seen are the lakes, seas and oceans.
Thanks to this experience we have learned many things about life, English and we have grown ourselves. We hope that we will return one day to Kuopio.