20 To Do's...
… you will absolutely have to do in the holidays!
Valerie Berger
1. Attend a Flash Mob. How much fun must that be, when all the people turn around and look at you totally puzzled! 😉
2. Sleeping outdoors for a night. Take a good friend with a garden or balcony, take a sleeping bag and flashlight and enjoy the view of the starry sky. Oh and don’t forget the food!
3. Just try a new look. For example, dye your hair pink or dress completely differently. Would be fun and after the holidays you are anyways your old self again, or not?
4. Say one day long yes to everything. Can be totally stressful, especially when it is exploited by parents and siblings, but is also very funny and who knows what spontaneous actions will be the result.
5. Write a Wikipedia entry and put it online.
6. Looking for a pen pal, preferably with a different mother tongue and then actually write to him / her. If you’re lucky, you make next summer a small exchange. 🙂
7. Go to the train station, take the next going train (do not forget to purchase a ticket ;)) and just drive into the unknown. Let’s see where you will end up, right?
8. Record a song in the studio or bring together some friends, learn a choreography and make a video out of it. Surely the next competition will come…
9. Organize a huge picnic with lots of friends and huge amounts of food!
10. Make a DVD session and look through all the episodes of ”How I met your Mother”. Maybe you’ll find out who is the mother …;D
11. Create a blog or a YouTube channel and post something new every week. If you post regularly and if it’s fairly interesting, you should get more and more followers and who knows, maybe one day you will be famous. 😉
12. Be one day long a toddler again. So remember to wear a flower-dress or Bob the builder t-shirt, have a sugar necklace, build a sand castle in the sand box and look old Disney movies.
13. Try a sport which you did not even know until now such as slacklining, Tchouckball or play bike polo.
14. Just take something out of the fridge, which fits reasonably well together and then somehow mix it together without a recipe. We’ll see how it tastes.
15. Stand behind a corner and shoot people ”randomly” (oops, again it hit a teacher) with a water pistol.
16. Doing a nice campfire with a guitar, some spooky stories and a lot of fun!
17. Learn a new language to have a reason for next year to make a ”language stay” in another country. The more exotic the better!
18. Open your math books and pretend to actually study, makes your parents happy.
19. Go to the movies instead of enjoying the beautiful weather.
20. And last but not least, go and eat some ice cream!
Non Solum 2/2013Toukokuu 201315.5.2013