Runoja Klassikasta in English

Rosa Laitinen


Tiia Sii­ka­nen

The Masterpiece in the Universe of Education

You’re the best of all,
the king of schools,
the sour­ce of in­for­ma­ti­on
and ins­pi­ra­ti­on.
You’re the pla­ce I find my ide­as.
You’re the fat­her of stu­dying,
the crad­le of le­ar­ning.
You’re att­rac­ti­ve and spor­ty,
ma­ny­si­ded and ac­cep­ting.
You can hand­le eve­ryt­hing.
The world of maths and phy­sics,
the uni­ver­se of scien­ce and che­mist­ry.
Not­hing’s im­pos­sib­le to you.
You can exp­lain all the mys­te­ries
of psyc­ho­lo­gy and phi­lo­sop­hy,
the gram­mar of lan­gu­a­ges
and the pers­pec­ti­ves of art.
All the chords and no­tes of mu­sic
and all the dec­len­si­ons of fin­nish words.
I’d be lost wit­hout you.
You’re my gui­de and my le­a­der,
You build my way to life and free­dom.

Pin­ja Pöl­lä­nen

Taas yksi vuo­si ku­luu,
Klas­si­kas­sa opis­ke­lu su­juu
Vuo­sia on ope­tus­ta saa­tu
ja var­maa on ope­tuk­sen laa­tu
Ei kou­lua pa­rem­paa
kuin mei­dän Klas­sik­kam­me
Pian taas lun­ta sa­taa saa
sit­ten ke­vät­au­rin­gos­ta naut­ti­kaam­me
Vuo­det ku­lu­vat, Klas­sik­ka on ja py­syy
On­nit­te­lut Klas­si­kal­le,
lu­ki­ois­ta par­haim­mel­le

Anot­her year pas­ses by
So fast the ti­mes fly
Many pe­op­le has Klas­sik­ka taught
And gre­at re­sults brought
The­re’s no bet­ter school than our own
Soon the snow may fall
then shall the spring sun shi­ne upon us all
Ye­ars pass, Klas­sik­ka stays
Cong­rats to Klas­sik­ka,
the best school of all

Rosa Lai­ti­nen

Non So­lumMar­ras­kuu 2015 - Klas­sik­ka 75 vuot­ta28.10.2015