Runoja Klassikasta in English
Rosa Laitinen
Tiia Siikanen
The Masterpiece in the Universe of Education
You’re the best of all,
the king of schools,
the source of information
and inspiration.
You’re the place I find my ideas.
You’re the father of studying,
the cradle of learning.
You’re attractive and sporty,
manysided and accepting.
You can handle everything.
The world of maths and physics,
the universe of science and chemistry.
Nothing’s impossible to you.
You can explain all the mysteries
of psychology and philosophy,
the grammar of languages
and the perspectives of art.
All the chords and notes of music
and all the declensions of finnish words.
I’d be lost without you.
You’re my guide and my leader,
You build my way to life and freedom.
Pinja Pöllänen
Taas yksi vuosi kuluu,
Klassikassa opiskelu sujuu
Vuosia on opetusta saatu
ja varmaa on opetuksen laatu
Ei koulua parempaa
kuin meidän Klassikkamme
Pian taas lunta sataa saa
sitten kevätauringosta nauttikaamme
Vuodet kuluvat, Klassikka on ja pysyy
Onnittelut Klassikalle,
lukioista parhaimmelle
Another year passes by
So fast the times fly
Many people has Klassikka taught
And great results brought
There’s no better school than our own
Soon the snow may fall
then shall the spring sun shine upon us all
Years pass, Klassikka stays
Congrats to Klassikka,
the best school of all
Rosa Laitinen
Non SolumMarraskuu 2015 - Klassikka 75 vuotta28.10.2015