How green are we prepared to be?

Jaakko Kataja

No­wa­days the im­por­tan­ce of ta­king care of the en­vi­ron­ment has inc­re­a­sed be­cau­se of glo­bal war­ming, en­dan­ge­red spe­cies dying out and the green­hou­se ef­fect. En­vi­ron­men­tal mi­ti­ga­ti­on has al­ways been an im­por­tant task, but pe­op­le ha­ven’t re­al­ly re­a­li­sed it un­til now. The me­dia has made a huge dif­fe­ren­ce to the way we think about en­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­ti­on. Many pe­op­le have re­cent­ly no­ti­ced the prob­lem with hu­mans not  wor­king on sus­tai­nab­le de­ve­lop­ment and en­vi­ron­men­tal mi­ti­ga­ti­on. To­day most pe­op­le are pro­bab­ly in fa­vour of en­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­ti­on, but the next step is to chan­ge our words in ac­ti­ons.

All the time we can see more and more en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly pro­ducts and in­ven­ti­ons co­ming out. This re­al­ly is a mag­ni­fi­cent thing but, on the ot­her hand, the­se new ge­ne­ra­ti­on pro­ducts can be pret­ty ex­pen­si­ve for a nor­mal in­co­me per­son. Pro­ducts being ex­pen­si­ve will af­fect pe­op­le’s de­ci­si­ons on what ver­si­on of the pro­duct they will buy. It can be so much che­a­per to buy the none bi­o­deg­ra­dab­le ver­si­on of the pro­duct.

I’m trying to be as en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly as pos­sib­le. I re­cyc­le eve­ryt­hing pos­sib­le and I’m also very eco­no­mi­cal. On the ot­her  hand I know I could be more eco-friend­ly, for examp­le to not buy or­ga­nic pro­ducts or go to school by pub­lic trans­por­ta­ti­on, but so­me­ti­mes it can be pret­ty hard to do it. In the end, qui­te many pe­op­le are in the same po­si­ti­on as I: they think they are doing enough for the en­vi­ron­ment but they re­al­ly are not. So, in my opi­ni­on, the prob­lem still lies on pe­op­le not being awa­re enough about the prob­lems of en­vi­ron­ment.

Non So­lumKe­vät 201625.4.2016