“Suomi on metsien ja jervien maa.”

Naoko Kumai

This is the first sen­tence which is writ­ten in my finnish gram­mer book. At first, this is just for un­der­stand­ing“taivu­tus”.But now, I can say with real feel­ing that Suomi on met­sien ja jarvien maa, and Mina rakas­tan Suomea.

When I talked to my friends and col­league about my de­ter­mi­na­tion to go to Fin­land, There were three kinds of re­sponses.

1. “Finland is Moomin’s country, isn’t it!?
2. “I want go to Finland, too! If I will trip to there, can you put me up?
3.”Why did you choose Finland?”

The first one is the most com­mon re­sponse. Be­cause Moomin is very fa­mous in Japan. I have read comics of Moomin, when I was a child. And there is “Moomin café” in Tokyo where is crowded ev­ery day. Ex­pect for Moomin, Ja­pa­nese peo­ple know Santa Claus, au­rora, and marimekko. Some Ja­pa­nese teacher re­mem­ber the re­sult of PISA in which Fin­land was top of the list in 2003. This news hit the head­lines.

Then, I think the sec­ond one ex­press hu­man’s hon­est feel­ings. If you go to abroad by your­self, you will be a lit­tle bit ner­vous, won’t you? There will be some fear like “Can I know the way to my ho­tel?” or “Can I com­mu­ni­cate with peo­ple?” or “If the air­plane will crash…” How­ever, if there will be your friend, it will be easy to trip. Fin­land is at­trac­tive coun­try to Ja­pa­nese peo­ple, but it is too far from Japan to trip eas­ily. There­fore some peo­ple said like the sec­ond one.

Fi­nally, I’m afraid that I might not ex­plain well about the last one by my Eng­lish abil­ity. Please un­der­stand it as one of the point of view.

“Why did you choose Fin­land?”

This ques­tion means “Why didn’t you choose Eng­land?”, “Why didn’t you choose Amer­ica?” or “Why didn’t you choose more “pop­u­lar” coun­try?” For ex­am­ple, when I learned world his­tory in high school, I have never heard the name of Fin­land. When Ja­pa­nese peo­ple study abroad, most of them go to Canada, Amer­ica, and Eng­land. When I chose sec­ond for­eign in Uni­ver­sity, there were Chi­nese, French, Gar­man, Ko­rean, and Span­ish. There were not Finnish. Sorry, but Fin­land is just the coun­try of Moomin,

Then, why did I chose Fin­land? This is the rea­son that Fin­land have not only mother lan­guage ex­pect for Eng­lish, but also high skill of Eng­lish. It is great! To de­velop Eng­lish skill en­able to com­mu­ni­cate with peo­ple from many coun­tries. Ac­tu­ally, when I stayed at dor­mi­tory in Hel­sinki, I talked with Chi­nese, Ger­man and Rus­sian girls in Eng­lish. It was very in­ter­est­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Be­cause I could know many points of view. How­ever, at the same time, it is also im­por­tant to be proud of mother lan­guage. Be­cause it is only na­tive speaker who can un­der­stand a sub­tle nu­ance and tell the beauty to other coun­tries. Finnish ed­u­ca­tion strikes a bal­ance be­tween Finnish and Eng­lish. In Ja­pa­nese school, we learn Eng­lish from ten years old, but we can’t speak Eng­lish flu­ently like Finnish peo­ple. I think Japan should fol­low Finnish good ex­am­ple. I would like to know about Finnish ed­u­ca­tion more, and I will make use of this ex­pe­ri­ence at my Ja­pa­nese school.

Now, about two months have passed since I came here. I learned some Finnish lan­guage, lit­er­a­ture, his­tory, and pol­i­tics through lessons in this school. Es­pe­cially, learn­ing his­tory of Fin­land make my thought wide. This is my first time to think about why Fin­land doesn’t join the NATO. And I also no­ticed it may be great thing that there are many lit­er­ary works since 700 in Japan. We have dif­fer­ent his­tory and cul­ture. Con­versely, what do you know about Japan? I think there must be other coun­tries which you should learn at first. How­ever Japan is far and small coun­try, you will be able to have dif­fer­ent point of view by learn­ing about Japan. I hope that my Ja­pa­nese class will be one of chances to make your per­spec­tive wide.

Non SolumKevät 201625.4.2016