“My year in Finland, different education”
Pin-Hsing,Wen ( Rotary exchange student 2016-17 )

Hello everyone!I’m Pinhsing.I am from Taiwan.
Time flies, everything feel like just happened yesterday. But one year has gone. I would like to thank all the students who had helped me in class during this year. And I am also grateful for the teachers. Helping me understand the course content and even give me some essay to think about. I’m really appreciate for all of you from the bottom of my heart.
Finland is a very different country to Taiwan. And ”Education system differences” are the most interesting thing for me to know. So I was making a study about the different education systems. I got 60 Taiwanese and Finnish high school students’ questionnaires back. I noticed that there are many differences between.
From the data, we can know Taiwanese students have more pressure of studying, from their family or classmate. The result shows that there are 56.7% Taiwanese students’ families have ever beaten them because of their exam result. But in Finland, it’s quite rare, just 7.7%.
We arrive at the following review. There are very different education system between two countries. However, it’s intersting that most of the students think study is for future. I also searched data of PISA2012,2015. These two countries ocuppied the front positions in many subjects. Their results were in a dead heat. But taiwan students are more stressed and their average of interesting of studing are lower than Finland. I think Taiwanese students shouldn’t have so long school days. The results show that 44.8% higher than 9 hours, 55.2% 7-8 hours everyday.
”Learning is not only for number,for future.” Many students performances in school affect their mood. It’s normal. But how do let learning be more interesting? more easier? This is what school have to care more nowaday. This year, I came to this school to experience the different school life. It was amazing! I saw the differences; I made friends; I learned new language and culture. It had been the best year ever! Thank you everyone! I will never forget you all and of course I am coming back to Finland soon! Kiitos!
Non SolumKevät 201720.3.2017