25th of May 2018

Ella Mustonen

It’s al­most ten o’clock and Kat­ri Hur­vi, Suvi Toi­va­nen and Tiia Ko­po­nen are wal­king to the Of­fi­ce of OAJ Kuo­pio. To­day they would have their Spa­nish exam but they have al­re­a­dy done it du­ring the pe­ri­od. The girls are tal­king cheer­ful­ly.

– I’m ex­pec­ting de­li­ci­ous food, says Toi­va­nen.

– I’m hap­py and ex­ci­ted. And hung­ry, Hur­vi adds.

Ko­po­nen says that she feels as if it al­re­a­dy was sum­mer ho­li­day. All the girls are en­joying this day wit­hout the exam and stress. The at­mosp­he­re is light-he­ar­ted and ple­a­sant.

Son­ja Lam­pi­nen, a Spa­nish and Eng­lish te­ac­her in Klas­sik­ka, thought be­fo­re that her stu­dents would re­act like the girls did.

– I felt that my stu­dents were hap­py when they he­ard that they would have some Spa­nish food ins­te­ad of the exam, Lam­pi­nen tells.

– I gu­ess it was a wel­co­me surp­ri­se for them.

The joy­ful chat­ter stops when An­ge­la, the Spa­nish head chef of the day, starts te­ac­hing. cooks a Spa­nish ome­let­te, cal­led tor­til­la, in front of cu­ri­ous eyes and and exp­lains what she is doing in Spa­nish.

Af­ter as­king some qu­es­ti­ons to An­ge­la and the ot­her chef, Emmi, it’s time to start ea­ting. First the­re is a ty­pi­cal Spa­nish ta­pas, cold to­ma­to soup with eggs. It’s in the glass and looks like smoot­hie. We he­ard that here is also bre­ad in this to­ma­to soup which ma­kes it thick.

– I tas­ted this is Spain. Then the­re were eggs and also ham in top of the soup, Toi­va­nen tells ot­her girls.

Soon it’s time to eat more: the­re are sa­lads and ve­ge­tab­les, cho­ri­zo, more ome­let­tes, oli­ves, chee­se and, of cour­se, bre­ad. Ea­ting a litt­le bit of eve­ryt­hing ma­kes feel full ea­si­ly.

Lam­pi­nen thinks that the­se foods were a good choi­se for our ta­pas cour­se.

– We got an abun­dant tab­le full of Spa­nish food with cold dis­hes. We re­al­ly had plen­ty to eat.

The girls like the dis­hes.

– Food tas­tes de­li­ci­ous. I think that the­se dis­hes are dif­fe­rent than Fin­nish dis­hes, Hur­vi tells, af­ter tas­ting this and that

Ko­po­nen ag­rees with Hur­vi.

– Yes, the­se dis­hes are dif­fe­rent, but I can re­com­mend.

Toi­va­nen be­lie­ves that she could make the­se foods her­self la­ter.

– I have al­re­a­dy done the ome­let­te at home, she tells.

The ot­her girls also think that they could make the­se dis­hes, spe­ci­al­ly the ome­let­te, la­ter.

Lam­pi­nen feels that this day was a good day.

– I think that this wor­ked out well. It didn’t take too much time.

– And it’s won­der­ful that stu­dents help a lot by cle­a­ning their dis­hes, she says and watc­hes them pic­king up dis­hes and gi­ves thanks to stu­dents.

She be­lie­ves that she could do this again with her ot­her groups.

– I hope that this is a po­si­ti­ve thing that could may­be mo­ti­va­te in stu­dying Spa­nish in the fu­tu­re, she says. Lam­pi­nen ho­pes that the­se kinds of events would de­light her stu­dents.

Ku­vat: Son­ja Lam­pi­nen & Ella Mus­to­nen

Emmi & An­ge­la

Cold to­ma­to soup and Spa­nish ome­let­te

Non So­lum - kesä­kuu 201811.4.2018